Floor to Ceiling Impact – Video Wall Need-to-Knows

  High impact, absolutely! Video walls can be used for everything from entertainment, retail, advertising, education and more. These applications all have different technical needs and content to display, so a well-versed integrator should be part of the planning phases as soon as the need is identified. We encourage our clients to learn all about…

7 Seriously Sweet Video Wall Installs by CCS

Our July 2016 client newsletter contained a blog on the top 10 need-to-knows of video walls, from understanding the heat the equipment emits to the importance of being active in the application planning phases. We wanted to include a top 5 video wall installation lists since this topic was so much fun, but we couldn’t…

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Teachers around the country will lock up their classroom and head home for the holiday break next week. Some will leave with a wish list for Santa that includes current technology, classroom engagement and true growth for their students. Maybe even some wishes for rest and relaxation! While we can’t quite help you bake cookies…